Gelato Day

March 24, European Artisanal Gelato Day.

In Ifi, we are proud to have contributed to the birth of this important day, actively participating, even with our best technologies, in the initiatives at the European Parliament headquarters in Strasbourg and Brussels. We fully recognize ourselves in a celebration that honors passion, research, and genuineness of good artisanal gelato.

As every year, for the 12th Gelato Day Ifi is with ACOMAG and Artglace in supporting the European Artisanal Gelato Day on 24 March, the only food to which the European Parliament has dedicated a day, with the aim of contributing more and more to the spread of quality gelato consumption in Italy and Europe.

    2024 is the turn of Belgium with a Flavour of the Year that pays homage to one of the most typical and appreciated desserts of the country: the Gaufre de Liège, the beloved sweet waffle of Liège, crispy outside and soft inside.

    Happy Gelato Day to everyone!

    Spread the initiative! Download the poster.

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